C Datagridview Edit Cell Update Database In Php

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  4. C Datagridview Edit Cell Update Database In Php
Active2 years, 2 months ago

I have retrieved data from Mysql database into a DataGridView1. Let us suppose I am in Row 0. When I change the contents of Row 0, Cell 1 and press enter key or a button, the Update query should modify that row, but I am unable to modify the value of the cell. The cell maintains its previous value when i reload data and the database is not modified. For example, if I change the contents of a cell under column Client_Name from 'Acs' to 'Gmt', how can I change the value of the cell from 'Acs' to 'Gmt'? and to have it updated into Mysql database, I am using c# in Vs 2012. below is my code that retrieves my database into datagridview1 any help is welcomed thanks.


Edit and update a row in datagridview using c# Hai, Iam developping a project in windows application in c#.I have the columns Items,Rate,Qty,Total in. I'll cover the. I am using DataGridView in c# application. My project is that i need to fetch the data from database table to datagridview and insert the data in datagridview and also it stored in database table, delete the data in datagridview and edit/update the data. I complete create,delete option but now i had a trouble in edit/update.

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3 Answers

After series of trials and error, i finally found what i was looking for, thus being able to update database from datagridview below is my worked around code which works 100% hope it helps someone in future, and thanks @RageComplex for helping out, but one more thing does anyone know how to implement that i mean instead of hitting the enter button to take changes in the datagridview you rather click on a button ty


How To Update Database In Php

You are not updateing your changes to the database. While you keep your connection open doesn't mean that this will automatically update your data.

First of all, don't keep your connection open. In your app you have a connect button which is good for testing but not for really keeping the connection open, not with databases in my opinion.

The way you load data is correct.

You give the datagridview an DataSource which is a table from your DataSet. So changes made in the datagridview ARE saved to your DataSet but not to your database.

This is how you update your database

Make sure, before you Update your database, you use datagridview1.EndEdit()

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Also, you using, this will ensure a connection is closed again after completing that code, best is to always have it in a try-except.

C Datagridview Edit Cell Update Database In Php

You had struggles with connecting the database as it appears to be in the commends.I've also forgot to include MySqlDataAdapter above, I used an adapter globally in that case.I didn't want to report this question as duplicated, but now it kinda does look like this answer.

C Datagridview Edit Cell Update Database In Php

Kaspersky Update Database

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I would like to give code which I have tested in my application.I used it for button click event.

I think it may help you

Isuru Dhananjaya RanaweeraIsuru Dhananjaya Ranaweera

C Datagridview Edit Cell Update Database In Php

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